
Below are the Digital Portfolios that represent the incredible work that each team accomplished during our How to Change the World | February 2023 Bootcamp.

Please take a little time to click on each team to open their full Portfolio and review their ideas!

Huge congratulations and thanks to all of the brilliant participants who worked together — across time zones and continents — over the course of their learning journey to produce the amazing ideas presented below!

Many sincere thanks also to the array of 50+ Experts and Judges and 10+ Teaching Team who offered guidance, expertise and support throughout!

Winning Teams with each Challenge

Best Overall

Most Implementable (Runner Up)

Most Creative (Runner Up)

Participant 🌟 Choice Award [across Bootcamp]

February 2023 Program

Challenge 1

SDG #13 (Climate Action) in Scarborough, Canada

Team 1-A Proposed Solution → Rain Garden Strategy at Collingwood Park to improve Water Quality of Highland Creek, Scarborough

Team 1-B Proposed Solution Portfolio - Scalable Transit Hub Pilot

Team 1-C Proposed Solution → Proposing Strategies for Improving Indoor Occupant Thermal Comfort in an Older Rental Building in Scarborough City Center during Extreme Summertime Temperatures

🌟 Team 1D🌟 Proposed Solution → Know and Choose - Carbon Footprint and Commute

Team 1-E : Effective Green Transportation to Achieve a Sustainable City in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada (EcoWayTO).