Below are the Digital Portfolios that represent the incredible work that each team accomplished during our How to Change the World | March 2021 program.
Please take a little time to click on each team to open their full Portfolio and review their ideas!
Huge congratulations and thanks to all of the brilliant participants who worked together — across time zones and continents — over the course of their Learning Journey (1-5 March 2021) to produce the amazing ideas presented below!
Many sincere thanks also to the array of over seventy Teaching Team, Experts and Judges who offered guidance, expertise and support throughout!
Best Overall
Most Implementable (Runner Up)
Most Creative (Runner Up)
Participant 🌟 Choice Award [across Program]
Participant ⭐ Choice Award [within Cohort]
SDG #11 (Cities & Communities) in Calgary, Canada
Team 1-A Digital Portfolio for Reinvigorated Diverse Public Spaces in Forest Lawn
Team 1-C⭐ Future of Calgary Students
Team 1-D: Improving the Public Transit Behavior of Calgarians