Below are the Digital Portfolios that represent the incredible work that each team has accomplished during How to Change the World’s Global Sustainability Project Bootcamp | February 2024.
Please take a little time to click on each team to open their full Portfolio and review their ideas!
Huge congratulations and thanks to all of the brilliant participants who worked together - across timezones and continents - over the course of their learning journey to produce the amazing ideas presented below!
Many sincere thanks also to the array of 60+ Experts and Judges and 10+ Teaching Team who offered guidance, expertise and support throughout!
Best Overall
Most Implementable (Runner Up)
Most Creative (Runner Up)
Participants 🌟 Choice Award [across Bootcamp]
SDG #11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) & SDG #13 (Climate Action) in Edmonton, Canada
Team 1-a Proposed Solution - Sustainable Public Transportation
Team 1-C: Empowering Edmonton: Transitioning to Sustainable Energy and Recycling Solutions
Team 1-e — Winter Shelter Project: Providing Temporary Relief for Edmonton's Homeless Population