About us

Video and Introduction

1-C Separate Pipelines for Sewage and Stormwater.mp4

The Problem Statement

The City of London Ontario has a well-documented history of flooding dating back to the 1700s [1]. The most destructive flood occurred in 1937 with both losses of life and property. 

 Currently, London’s flood plain (Timeline)  250 UTRCA has a 75% risk increase when compared to the past flood plain due to urbanization and climate change. At the Springbank and Wonderland intersection, there is a 70% increase in risk as a result of the Greenway Pollution Control Plant [2]. 

 The problem is that **during wet weather there is a large amount of rainfall overloading the Greenway PCP**. **This leads to untreated sewage being released into the Thames Valley River causing pollution.**

Why The Greenway Pollution Control Plant (PCP)?

Figure 3. Greenway Wastewater Treatment Plant Sewer-shed

Figure 3. Greenway Wastewater Treatment Plant Sewer-shed

Our Goals